Wholesale Companies

Wholesale Companies

We from POD International are “your Point of Distribution”.

We are operating successfully since the year 2000 in the water sports business.

POD International offers a variety of water sports brands like (Aqua Marina, Jetpilot, Spinera, Yachtbeach, JetXtender, Monster Tower, RollerBone, SuBlue, Union Aquaparks), and all this brands from one distributor which makes it especially easy for you.This offers you a lot of benefits, like faster order processing and just one competent contact person. 

Of course, you also have the option to order all products on our brand new online shop, this is quite easy and associates just a few simple clicks. Your order will be processed immediately and shipped to you as soon as possible. If there are any unforeseen issues with a product, please contact our highly qualified warranty department to find a quick and appropriate solution for each case.

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